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Nursing - LPN to RN Online Bridge - AAS

Allied Health

Contact: Kelly Beikmann (620)694-2482
Department Chair: Alison Casebolt (620)665-4931

For course descriptions and course prerequisites, click on the course id.

Total Credit Hours

This degree requires 69 credit hours.


Course Title Credits
BI103 Human Anatomy and Physiology 6

Pre-Reqs: BI100 or BI101 or BI104 or BI105 or BI112 w/Grade of C

BI112 General Microbiology 4

Pre-Reqs: BI101 or BI103 or BI104 or BI105, or BI107 Human Anatomy and Physiology I

EN101 English Composition IA 3

Pre-Reqs: HS GPA over 3.0, or ACT English Score of 20 or above, or Accuplacer NG Writing Score of 255 or Above

HR212 Pathophysiology 4

Pre-Reqs: HR105 Medical Terminology, and BI103 Human A&P

NR123 Health Maintenance Promotion and Restoration 9

Pre-Reqs: Associate Degree Nursing Acceptance

NR123L Hlth Maintenance Promotion & Restoration Practicum 3

Pre-Reqs: Associate Degree Nursing Acceptance

NR208 Care of the Family 4

Pre-Reqs: Associate Degree Nursing Acceptance

NR208L Care of the Family Practicum 2

Pre-Reqs: Associate Degree Nursing Acceptance

NR220 Complex Care of the Adult 4

Pre-Reqs: Associate Degree Nursing Acceptance

NR220L Complex Care of the Adult Practicum 2

Pre-Reqs: Associate Degree Nursing Acceptance

NR221 Leadership and Management Concepts in Nursing 1

Pre-Reqs: Associate Degree Nursing Acceptance

NR221L Leadership & Management Concepts in Nursing Practi 2

Pre-Reqs: Associate Degree Nursing Acceptance

NR224 Role Transition: Student to the Professional Nurse 1

Pre-Reqs: Associate Degree Nursing Acceptance

PS100 General Psychology 3

PS102 Human Growth and Development 3

Pre-Reqs: PS100 General Psychology

Credit for Prior Learning 12
SH101 Public Speaking OR SH210 Interpersonal Communication 3
Course Title Credits
SH101 Public Speaking 3.00

SH210 Interpersonal Communication 3.00

Sociology/Nutrition Options 3
Course Title Credits
HE202 Nutrition 3.00

HE202H Honors Nutrition 3.00

SO100 Fundamentals of Sociology 3.00

SO100H Honors Fundamentals of Sociology 3.00

Must be IV Therapy Certified before Application Deadline. A grade of "C" or better is required for all courses.
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